Wrap Around Care at The Hill - 'Treehouse Club'
Our breakfast and after school clubs are provided in house by the school. We recognise how important wrap around provision is for our community and offer a safe, relaxing and friendly space for our children who attend.
- Breakfast session - From 7:30am
- After school session - Until 6:00pm
If you are interested in booking your child into Treehouse club, please contact the school office for more information.
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External clubs
A variety of paid clubs, run by external companies, are available to children at the Hill. Children will get information about these clubs through their class. Some examples of external, paid for clubs, are:
Drama and music
Music lessons (Maestros)
Internal clubs
Internal clubs are run by teachers and school staff and are free to children at The Hill. Children will get information about these clubs through their class. Some examples of internal, free clubs are:
KS1 Choir
KS2 Choir
Gardening club