The Hill Primary School

Headteacher's welcome

On behalf of the whole school community it is my absolute pleasure to welcome you to The Hill Primary School. I am proud and privileged to be the Headteacher of this exciting, dynamic and well-respected school.

Our children are at the heart of everything we do. We have a responsibility to provide a safe, nurturing and purposeful learning environment for our children to flourish and move on to their next step in education.

Visitors to our school comment positively on the conduct and attitudes of our children, the stimulating learning environments both inside and outdoors and our inclusive and values driven ethos of ‘Growing Good People.’

We take pride in using the opportunities and resources we have to grow the whole child and develop skills and interests that stretch beyond the taught curriculum. Our passion for early development can be seen in our extension of continuous play – based learning provision into Key Stage One. The use of our substantial on-site woodland area allows our children to explore and develop their knowledge and respect for nature.

As the Headteacher, I am fortunate to work with an extremely talented and dedicated team of staff who are driven to provide the very best for the children. I am ably supported by the Governing body and our Parents and Teachers at The Hill Group (PATHS) are very active in offering fun activities for our children and families and raising funds to support the opportunities for all.

I trust that our school website provides you with a useful source of information. It is designed to give you a glimpse into our wonderful community. We are enormously proud of our school and if you would like to know more, please do contact us and arrange a visit – both the children and staff look forward to welcoming you. 

Warm regards,

Mr R. Jones
