Pupil Premium
The Pupil Premium Grant is additional funding for publicly funded schools in England, this funding is intended to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and close the gap between them and their peers. It is allocated to children who are looked after by the local authority and/or who have been eligible for Free School Meals at any point in the last 6 years (known as 'Ever 6'). It is also allocated to children of service personnel. Schools are accountable for how they spend their Pupil Premium funding, and need to ensure this has an impact on supporting the achievement and attainment of pupils from lower-income families. Further information from the Department for Education (DFE) can be found here.
High quality teaching is our primary aim.
Initially, funding will be spent on ensuring that all pupils achieve at least age related expectations, thus closing the gap between their attainment and that of their peers within school and nationally.
Pupil Premium Grant funding will be used to provide provision for:
- Targeted teaching and learning opportunities within class and beyond.
- Group work for groups of identified pupils with an experienced teacher to close gaps in learning.
- 1 to 1 support where deemed most effective.
- Further opportunities to liaise with families
- Acquiring effective materials aimed at raising standards in reading, writing, and maths.
- Providing opportunities for more able pupils in receipt of the Pupil Premium to achieve as well as their counterparts nationally.
- Improve the attendance and behaviour for disadvantaged pupils
- Increase opportunities to engage in wider school life and extra - curricular activities.
Pupil Premium Strategy Statement
Information regarding Pupil Premium in Reading from Brighter Futures for Children can be found here.
Information from Reading Brighter Futures for Children regarding eligibility for Free School Meals and how the school can access Pupil Premium funding for your child can be found here.
If you feel your family meets the criteria for applying for Free School Meals please complete the application form below (or collect a form in school) and hand to the school office.
Free School Meal Application Form